I decided to write one short text every day in August.
Simple idea, right?
Day 1: Exciting!
Day 2: Still pumped!
Day 3: Ugh...
Suddenly, excuses flood in:
It's too hot
Neighbors visited
Didn't sleep well
No one's reading this anyways
No accountability
Not getting paid for it, so why bother?!
But here I am, writing on day 3. How?
My Strategy:
1. Expected the struggle.
It always happens. Well, for me, at least.
2. Premeditated a plan:
Pick a topic from my list (Had a list ready - that curbs the analysis paralysis)
Set a 30-minute timer
Just write
3. Lowered the friction:
Used speech-to-text (Audiopen) - less intimidating than a blank page
Imagined explaining to a friend and just started talking
4. Asked myself:
"Will I like myself more for doing it or not doing it?"
Hell yes!
Remember: It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just 30 minutes.
Techniques Used:
Implementation intention ("When X happens, then I'll do Y")
Time boxing (30-minute limit)
Lowering friction (speech-to-text)
Atomic Habits by James Clear (discusses friction reduction)
Reframing (talking to a friend)
Self-respect check ("Will I like myself more?")
Expectation management (it doesn't have to be perfect)
Brené Brown’s TED Talk on perfectionism works like a charm!
Pre-planning topics
Commitment to consistency (daily writing)
The struggle is real, but so is the satisfaction of pushing through.
And I now can carry on floating next to someone’s hideous Unicorn!