Overwhelmed by the Modern World: Navigating the Challenges of Today's Digital Environment
I'd rather chop wood than engage on X
Why is is so easy and -at the same time- so hard to achieve anything meaningful in today’s world?
Why are we so overwhelmed?
How did we get here - and how can we navigate the world with grace?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the modern world and dream of escaping into the woods to live a quiet life?
Do you feel frustrated at the pace of change? Do you feel like you're just spinning the wheels, without really getting anywhere?
You are not alone. (But then, of course, you also are).
We struggle with the complexities of a world that our ancestors never had to deal with, and we're trying to use brains that were designed for a much simpler world.
"Our brains evolved to feast on a world of scarcity and struggle,
not one of abundance and ease."
- Daniel Gilbert, "Stumbling on Happiness"
Especially when you work in a digital environment, struggle with constant multitasking and distractions, where work seems to have no real beginning or end and is disembodied.
Many would rather go into the wild and chop wood than keep up with their online business.
The problem is: we don't want to give up our creature comforts, but at the same time pay a high price for it.
It's not easy to keep up and stay sane in today's world. But if you approach it right - like a marathon not a sprint, you stand a chance of building a good life and not go crazy in the process.
The Mismatch Between Ancient Brains and Modern Technology
In today's world, starting, focusing, and finishing tasks have become herculean challenges.
The environment we inhabit is radically different from the one our ancestors did just decades ago. We are living in an era where technological changes outpace our biological evolution.
This mismatch between our ancient brains and the modern world of digital distractions and instant gratification is causing significant problems.
"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." - Christian Lous Lange
Consider how our ancestors lived.
Their lives were dictated by the natural environment, which set clear boundaries and imposed physical limits.
Effort was directly linked to survival and pleasure; to eat, one had to hunt or gather. Talk about motivation! “To eat or to starve” is a different question than “To post on X or not post”.
The Comfort Crisis
Fast forward to today, and we find ourselves in a world where pleasure and rewards are easily accessible without much effort, thanks to the digital revolution.
This has led to a disconnection between effort and reward, contributing to a phenomenon called the 'comfort crisis.' (Check out Michael Easter’s book!)
This comfort crisis is exacerbated by the attention economy, where our focus is the commodity being traded.
Every app, advertisement, and digital platform is designed to capture and hold our attention, often leading us to spend hours in a digital haze.
In the past, environmental constraints naturally regulated our behavior.
Now, the onus is on us to exercise willpower and discipline, a form of 'heroic individualism' that is often ineffective and psychologically costly.
Moreover, our constant engagement with technology has led to a disconnection from the natural world, our bodies, and real-life connections. This disconnection often results in poor self-regulation.
We're bombarded with scary news, leading to heightened anxiety, and the constant comparison on social media platforms fosters feelings of inadequacy and discontent.
Give Yourself Some Grace and Get to Work.
So, how do we hack back and regain control?
The first step is acknowledging that we're running a marathon, not a sprint.
We need to create boundaries and routines that prioritize our well-being. This includes setting limits on technology use, engaging in physical activities, and reconnecting with the natural world.
Mindfulness practices and meditation can help us become more aware of our digital habits and their impact on our mental health. It's also crucial to nurture real-life connections and communities, as human interaction is a fundamental need.
But the key here is starting with your values and understanding the price you’re paying for being dis-tracted.
We must also redefine our relationship with work and productivity. Embracing a philosophy that values quality over quantity, and understanding that being constantly 'busy' doesn't equate to being effective.
It's about finding balance, being intentional with our time and energy, and recognizing the importance of rest and recovery.
To thrive in the modern world, we need to cultivate a sense of balance and mindfulness, consciously choosing how we interact with technology and the world around us.
It's about building a life where we can enjoy our creature comforts without becoming slaves to them, staying sane, and grounded in a rapidly changing world.
The mismatch between our ancient brains and the modern world
The mismatch stems from how quickly our environment has changed compared to the slow pace of human evolution. This affects several aspects of our lives:
Evolution vs. Technology: Our brains evolved for a world focused on survival tasks like hunting and gathering, not for today's fast-paced, technology-driven environment. This rapid technological progress challenges our brain's ability to adapt.
Sensory Overload: Modern life bombards us with more artificial stimuli, like bright screens and loud noises, than our sensory systems were designed to handle. This can lead to stress and attention issues.
Instant Gratification: Unlike our ancestors who worked hard for rewards, we now have easy access to pleasures with minimal effort. This abundance can disrupt our brain's reward system, potentially leading to addiction and decreased satisfaction.
Social Dynamics: Our brains are wired for face-to-face interactions within small communities. Today's digital communication methods, like social media, create different social dynamics that can impact mental health and self-esteem.
Physical Activity: Humans evolved to lead active lifestyles, but modern sedentary living can negatively impact both physical and mental health.
Information Overload: We're exposed to much more information than our ancestors, often more than we can process effectively. This can lead to reduced attention spans and difficulty focusing on what's important.
Disconnection from Nature: Our brains developed in close connection with nature. Modern lifestyles often lack this connection, potentially affecting our mental well-being.
In essence, the rapid changes in our environment, especially due to technology, clash with our slow-evolving brains, leading to various modern challenges.
Back To Senses: The Divided Brain
"We are wired to find love and meaning in a world that has changed faster than our hearts."
- Esther Perel
Check out the short animation, were renowned psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist explains how our 'divided brain' has profoundly altered human behaviour, culture and society.
As Gary Snyder says: "Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. And we are living as if we have another place to go."